If you could remove one thing in WoW, what would it be? Why?

LRF , removed half of the drive for people to get better at the game and keep playing it. It ruined the community now u just click 1 button and stay afk and u can see the whole raid content .
If u dont have time to do a full clear then u dont do it , everyone wants to the whole content of the game to be at theirs hands without working for it and they do nothing other than afk and even if u fail and wipe at bosses u even get that buff that increases ur dmg and health more and more till u kill it. That is just stupid u can even do "/follow" stay afk whole raid and u still kill the bosses and get the rewards , how does that make any sense. I seriously dont know what's happening in the games nowadays everything is so easy to complete and people are okay with it cause they dont need to work for it .
I seriously miss the days when u needed to work for getting gear and completing content , raids were actually difficult and not everyone could complete it now everything seems just like forced content . Now u click 1 button while afk ,u clear the raid without doing nothing . Where is the people that actually loved things to be hard and felt satisfied and fullfilled when they cleared it after months of work? They are playing private servers of vanilla to Wrath exp or they aren't playing . The game nowadays doesnt feel rewarding at all and I really fear how this game will turn out in the future, hopefully legacy servers will do some good to the live game itself.

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