If you could summon a video game character to be your servant. Who would you summon and what would be their class?

I would summon my FFXIV character, since she only have 1 class leveled, she would be either Archer or Rider (Rider since she canonically gain famous mounts during the story), she would be a Double Summon like Semiramis, being summoned as Archer or Rider does not affect her ability, she would be the same in boss class.

since the spoiler tag can't be used with line break...


As the Warrior of Light, she is a heroic spirit of highest tier, her stat is extremely high, Her bow blessed with power of Mother Crystal, which slain gods and dragons, shoot extremely destructive arrows with speed faster than eyes can see. Skill:

Independent Action - B

Magic Resistance - A: She is protected and blessed by Hydaelyn, the Mother Crystal, resisted various attempt by Beast Tribe's Gods to temper her.

Riding - A++ : Rode dragons and other creatures of Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast level.

Clairvoyance - A: Master of the Bow, she capable of precognition, see enemy attacks before it is executed

Divinity - A: Beloved Daughter of Hydaelyn, the Mother Crystal.

Double Summon - A: it's through her feat of might that she gain powerful creature as mounts, as such, being summoned as Archer or Rider does not affect her ability

Dragon Slayer - A++: Slain Bahamut - the Ancient Dreadwyrm of Calamity, Nidhogg - the great wyrm of the First Brood and Shiryu, the god dragon, along with countless other dragons during the Dragonsong war.

God Slayer - A++: Slain countless gods in her journey

Noble Phatasm:

Sagittarius Arrow - A: Archer/Rider aim at the sky, shooting an arrow of light that open a portal raining down Empyreal arrows, these arrow will always fall a set distance and don't interact with non-living object, and will burn though any living fresh it touch, the only defense against this NP is to avoid the portal altogether, or go lower than the set distance which these arrows fall.

Yol - B: A powerful beast awarded to her after she prove her might in the trial of Bardam's Mettle.

Midgardsormr - EX: The King of dragons, legendary king of kings, Father of all dragons, his power is beyond measure.

(just in case, yes, the MC of FFXIV, the Warrior of Light, is just that OP).

/r/fatestaynight Thread