If you could tell Reddit to shut the hell up about one thing forever, what would it be?

Somebosy once told me I was insensitive because I disagreed with them when they said using autism as a joke wasn't offensive to anyone. All I said was that even if it wasn't a personal joke, it can hurt if you are autistic and see it used as an insilt constantly.

Their reasoning was they were fat and fat jokes didn't offend them, so this couldn't possibly be offensive and I was being insensitive. I don't even know how to respond to that. It made me really angry.

I'm overwieght and autistic. Fat jokes and using autism as an insult really aren't even close to the same level. Being fat is something you could change, if you really wanted to, it would just be really difficult. I'm not blaming anyone, I certainly haven't lost weight , but it isn't impossible. Besides that, there are, unfortunately, so many overweight or fat people in a lot of places, and everyone knows it. It doesn't feel as personal. Plus most people know at least one fat person and reasonable people know that fat=unhealthy, but it doesn't make someone a bad person. A lot of people think autism=complete retard. When people use it as an insult, it feels like they're calling me stupid and it's a reminder that I'll never be as good as everyone else.

I'm not stupid though. You don't go on reddit if you can't handle these types of things. They aren't too hard to get over, I usually just move on and don't read that chain of comments. And maybe I am being too sensitive if those things make me feel a little bad inside every time I see them, but at the same time, why should somebody who doesn't understand how it really feels get to decide? Fat jokes don't offend them? Cool. They don't bother me either. It's completely different though.

I'm not trying to stop the internet from its jokes and insults, but it would be nice for people to aknowledge that sometimes things can hurt someone's feelings, and that person isn't necessarily being insensitive.


/r/AskReddit Thread Parent