If a crime has surpassed the statue of limitations, what is stopping some old criminals from coming out and bragging about what they've done?

I’m sorry so you basically just sat here and repeated what I said, and tried to say I was not correct?

You confirmed that the code mentioned was not in fact for criminal charges? Check.

What the 3 year and 9 year statutes are? Because ITS STILL THREE YEARS.

And I’m really not sorry for this, but reparations or reimbursements are not justice, unless you’re fine just throwing money at victims of violent crime and never actually punishing the aggressor - but I suppose that’s why you only give advice as opposed to fighting for them like I do.

The bottom line here is that the sorry ass amount of years is in dire need of reconsideration, regardless of what you think I’m “sight-reading”.

You’re like her guy in my middle school lit class who read Atlas Shrugged and confused being smart with being an asshole.

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