If Democracy Is Dying, Why Are Democrats So Complacent?

But letting the GOP strip away black voting rights directly after an election decided by black voters in GA is good governance?

I mean, ignoring the moral obligation of protecting black voting rights (which i guess the DNC doesn't perceive), shouldn't they pass HR1 solely out of self preservation?

You realize that over 27 states are undergoing "extreme gerrymandering," according to axios. They are stripping away black voting rights across this country, and it's like the DNC doesn't even care. They're not even worried.

They are more worried about losing Manchin's one seat than the widescale disenfranchisement of the entire black race.

And this is happening in swing states like MI, PA, FL, and OH.

I feel like I'm going crazy, im trying to sound the alarms and no one cares.

The GOP is rigging 2022 right in front of our eyes, and the democrats are just letting them, despite having the power to stop them.

/r/democrats Thread Parent Link - theatlantic.com