If you dig a hole...

The bottom of the earth plane is probably magnetic. It's what holds the water in place. Magnets repel water. You need a powerful magnet, they made a frog fly. You can see it on youtube it's called diamagnetic levitation. The universe was vapours which condensed into water and settled to the bottom magnetic plane due to density. The metals accumulated around the pole and the water as magnets attract metals and repel water. So the magnetic plane may be holding it all up as well and the magnetism of the pole would be emanating from the bottom of the universe. The globe people say the earth creates the magnetism so this is a vastly different view, the magnetism creates the earth. The flat earth model is electromagnetic rather than mechanical like globe. The Sun and Moon also move like bullet trains and tides are caused by the magnetism which moves the water like an ice cream churn.

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