If you look down on me because I don't have a college degree, then you're not a person I would want to be around in the first place.

Your writing is gobbledygook. I think you mean to say “the view of education as, in and of itself, containing immaterial worth is an outdated perspective. Further, you are falling into the fallacy of equivocation in how you are using the term education.” You do not express yourself well. You are a sloppy, undisciplined writer. It’s hard to make sense of your writing. It is nonsensical to say something is “the one most disagreed view by most...scholars”. Are you trying to say that the perspective is hotly debated by scholars? Are you trying to say the perspective has been dismissed by most scholars?

You might huff and puff that university education is not a reliable, efficient means to intellectual enlightenment. You can even say that most pedagogical scholars dismiss the notion that university education develops analytical skills. Whatever. It is nevertheless beyond dispute that this is exactly what every major university purports to do and I agree that university, as presently configured in the Western world, is an excellent means of doing so.

You haven’t presented any reasons why my argument does not stand. You’ve made a careless rejoinder to scholars, without expanding on the argument.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread Parent