If you want equality...

I do have a legitimate disability, which specifically affects my walking/standing. I did not give this condition to myself on purpose, and there will be no reward in the end.

And I have been embarrassed in public, because I’m not actually in a wheelchair yet, I am very good at hiding it.

Can you, for a second, imagine what it’s like to have everyone glaring at you because you said no to a pregnant person and you look completely fine on the outside? Not only did you have to turn her down, but if you don’t suddenly feel like announcing to the public you’re private medical information, they just assume you’re in asshole.
I say fuck her for putting me in that situation. Pregnancy may be obvious, but other people have legitimate disabilities that aren’t as obvious.

When I said perhaps I have a better reason to want to remain seated, I was referring to people with disabilities that are not visible. How can you know from looking?

The pregnant person looks around and sees someone who looks normal and says, I need that seat more than they do.

And I don’t hate women because, surprise, I am a woman. Not all women worship pregnancy.

If you choose to be pregnant, thats fine, but don’t expect the world to cater to you.

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