If you ever post here, please answer your msg/chat

I thought it was super obvious. Reddit keeps sending me trending notifications for this sub and everytime they do, it's a post that reads something like [F][17] VERY LONELY, lmao like come on.

People know damn well what they're doing when they post that. The woman fighting for her right to put an [F] in her post is taking an activism approach to a topic that doesn't fit an activist stance: the internet is full of horny guys and females who pretend they're guys and women who pretend they're dudes and anything you can imagine in between, including people who's sole purpose is to try to talk you into meeting them or sending them money, when that seems to have failed, they're off to the next possible 17 year old female who may just be gullible enough.

So no, nothing wrong with what you said there. In fact, believing that it's super important to disclose your gender for women's rights in a post calling for responses from "possible friends" is a potentially damaging message for younger women who may not understand how ugly the world can be sometimes. Maybe one of those 300 messages caught her fancy and she shared a bit too much and now she's in a missing persons database somewhere.

Is it unfortunate that women have to take extra steps to be vigilant on the internet? Yeah duh. Does it mean you shouldn't be just to 'spite the system'? I mean, sure, but expect those 300 messages by 291 guys who just want to get in your pants.

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