If you ever wonder why robberies always happen in boxing, it's because the lead promoter is in charge of both picking and paying the judges, in addition to taking care of their accommodation and expenses. Here is a brilliant article talking about this system and explaining just how disturbing it is.

This other piece by Thomas Hauser also puts it wonderfully:

In other sports, the integrity of officials is taken for granted. In boxing, too often, bias is presumed to exist.

Where big fights are concerned, referees and judges receive huge officiating fees and generous travel allowances that flow directly or indirectly from the promoter. They've also been known to get other gratuities from promoters, including ringside tickets for family members and friends. Their assignments might come through world sanctioning organizations and state athletic commissions. But the true source of their perks is the promoter, who usually has a vested interest in the outcome of the fight.

As Lou DiBella notes, "When a judge or referee asks a promoter for another first-class ticket so he can fly to a fight with his girlfriend or wife, there's an implied quid pro quo. Anyone who refuses to admit that is lying."

When someone who is supposed to be a neutral official understands that he (or she) can receive something of value by ruling a particular way, it undermines the integrity of the process. Yet in some jurisdictions, major promoters even have the power to blackball referees and judges.

Also, referees and judges know which fighter is favored by a particular sanctioning body. And the practice of certain judges and referees aligning themselves with one or more sanctioning organizations further undermines the neutrality that state athletic commissions should be seeking to ensure.

It's absolutely fucking insane, and it's no wonder why robberies always occur. There's no bigger conflict of interest than the one here in boxing. Can you imagine in other sports if the biggest, richest teams were in charge of paying and accommodating the refs? Christ.

/r/Boxing Thread Link - theboxingtribune.com