If FFX were to be remade with modern graphics would you prefer it to retain the turn based combat or have them remake it FF7R style

I don't think FF7R action combat will work well in a game with multiple mages like FF9 ( Quina, Eiko, Vivi and Garnet ).

Aerith has many gimmicky moves in 7R but her normal attack animation doesn't look as interesting as those from the physical fighters and doesn't feel as impactful like Barrett.

In X, we have Wakka that use a ball as his main weapon. I don't think a ball can be rapidly throw at high speed like firing a gun or used effectively in close combat like a ninja star or a boomerang. Wakka is also not as agile as Yuffie.

Then we have Yuna and Lulu, the two mages in FFX.

So, turn-based?

I think only the possible remakes of XIII and VIII ( especially VIII ) can fit well with FF7R combat system.

/r/FinalFantasy Thread