If the font rendering on Mojave looks odd to you, try this

This is one of those things.

Like, in 2012 it was obvious that keeping selling HDD equipped devices would come to bite them in the ass because all of those machines would quickly become hot garbage.

And the same could be said by the nerve to sell a TN equipped 900p MacBook Air for so many years and still have it be a great seller today. I mean, in this case it still is a good machine to have, perfectly usable, but it means that because of one model (that has a big % of their userbase) they shouldn't pull out shit like this, and it will keep bothering them for many years to come.

Same with selling 16GB iOS devices for so many years. Automatic terrible experience 1 week after purchase and avoiding all updates like the plague.

Many stupid decisions that only scream "bean counting". It ends up being more expensive in the long run.

/r/apple Thread