If Google was a guy - vaccines.

Dude I'm so blind? Literally half the comments being upvote that replied to me are actually backing up the flu thing which was my main point and also another point of mine was drug use in America. Which is studied (by my university and countless others, plus other governmental organizations) have agreed that we over prescribe and over do drugs. Vaccines are a drug dipshit. So actually I'm somewhat ahead of the times and soon you will see America start to take our drug use more seriously. Maybe do some actually research or take some medical courses instead of getting your information from bias news and then circle jerk one another over Reddit because "grrrr you autism fearing nut" when in reality I have ducking said 6987823 times now I never fucking agreed with that study and am merely stating the community who whines the most about this outdated source (vaccines causing autism), that everyone has known to be false for 4 plus years now, is the same community who has very little knowledge over medicine and drug use in America. It's literally like the idiots who feel for that autism study don't want to ever look stupid again so now they will never take a step back to look at drugs in a different perspective. I am a critical thinker because I am looking at drugs as a whole and also looking at things that don't need to be societal norms (e.g. Flu vaccines because it should just be the sick, old, and young.) but it's okay dude I don't expect Reddit to be the place for real thinking going on. Every thread is just a circle jerk of one another. But guess what I will continue with getting my masters in sociology and psychology, while continuing to stuff the affects and consequences of the heavy drug use this country has. But please go on more about me being a nut.

/r/gifs Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com