If a guy invites you over to watch a movie at his place, are you automatically going into that thinking sex is on the menu?

I'm going to answer this in the way it was asked. . .

If I were invited to a guys place to watch a movie, I don't think I'd do it. I think naturally that would make me uncomfortable. I would maybe offer to go to the movies together instead. For me, if the feeling is mutual as in, I like you and you like me and we are pursuing a relationship and we just haven't verbalized that yet, I may wind up going to his place to watch a movie. Do I have the intention to sleep together? Maybe not, but I like you and hope you like me so I am going to come over to just watch a movie because I feel like it is just you trying to spend time with me. Hopefully that makes sense.

So in short, no I wouldn't. But if I knew we liked each other I may simply simply come over to watch a movie. Will we sleep together? No clue, I'd have to see how it pans out.

/r/askwomenadvice Thread