If the guy with 430 Switch games is nuts, I should be locked away. I just got games 659 & 660 today, so here's what that looks like.

Upfront game collecting (buying games as they come out) is lighting your money on fire. It doesn't matter how much money you have, it's wasteful when, if you're patient, you can soak up titles on discount and clearance later in the system's life and/or after the system dies.

Think about the Wii: how much would be spent buying all 1000+ games as they come out versus soaking up titles from GS and buying lots on eBay now? The default drop in value is money you are losing outright and will never see again. If it's more of a niche system like the Vita, you'd have more of a case (where opportunity to get titles later is significantly lower), but this is the Switch, a popular system with a large library. Systems like this overstock shelves naturally and retailers always make efforts to push away stock.

I'm not saying don't own the entire Switch library (I encourage it), just do it frugally. And you may be doing this, but on the surface, 200 games a year doesn't lend towards that. The best part of stretching your dollar is you can use those saved dollars to buy more games.

/r/gamecollecting Thread