If guys are expected to never be vulnerable, then how can I make a guy feel safe about being vulnerable with me?

I'm late 20s and have had long term relationships (including rn) if that matters.

I'm guessing your reply will be that this is all talk and doesn't match reality, but I really don like the polarised gender norms you are expressing. As a woman, being vulnerable is fine, but it's problematic to link that vulnerability to sexuality. Women are not always vulnerable. Sometimes they are strong and independent. Sometimes I want to be able to be strong and independent and look after my guy. The flipside should be true for men.

It's definitely a grey area though. For context, I dated a guy for over a year, and it was great, and then suddenly.it wasn't. He started shutting off from me, and refusing to talk for long on the phone (was long distance) etc. I had no idea why and I was so confused. I just thought he had met someone else. It turned out that he had had a mental breakdown and had been suffering from depression without telling me. Our relationship broke down. Not because of his mental health issues, but because there was a loss of trust, and the damage done by the lying and heartbreak was irreparable.

In contrast, now I'm dating a guy who also has mental health challenges. But he has been open with it from the start. I respect that so much, and I think it is sexy how brave he is despite the challenges he faces. I try to support him in any way I can, and I know he would do the same for me. It's the trust and respect from.mutisl understanding that is key.

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