If you guys need a good laugh, the comments on this thread regarding alien life are hilarious

So for those still unconvinced, Buzz Aldren and Neil Armstrong reported back to NASA during the 2 minute loss of video feed during the moonwalk. This has been publicly declassified in 2012, and they told NASA that there were ships on the rim of a crater that were not if earthly design. They also reported seeing what appeared to be a sophisticated mining facility in the surface of the moon. A common known fact among astrophysicists is that the moon is rich with a byproduct from the sun called Helium 3. This never reaches Earth due to our atmosphere and magnetic field, thus we cannot harvest it here. Helium 3 is a resource that can be used as a clean, long-lasting fuel source. Many scientists have purportedly reverse-engineered alien craft at Area 51 and S4 that were powered by Helium 3, and it is believed that our moon is being mined for this galactic resource that we cannot yet utilize. Why would the first 2 Astronauts to walknon the moon lie about it all, and why would other astronauts, scientists, and government officials leak all the information that is out there if it was all fake. Cover up is what the government sides with, not hoaxes. There are some countries that have even embraced the idea of extra terrestrial life, and made all of their records public knowledge. France was the first, then Mexico. Since then many European countries have followed suit, and the US now takes a stance of not trying to prevent information on alien life and tech from being publicly available anymore, but rather a don't ask don't tell policy where they deny any knowledge. Earth is merely a spec of dust in our galaxy, let alone the cosmos, and the probability of more intelligent life is extremely high based on numbers alone. You add to that the astounding number of people and civilizations that have had interaction with ETs since recorded human history, and the exponential jump in technology since the early 1900s , it seems more than just naive to dismiss the existence of something smarter and more advanced than any life we have seen. Many aliens are said to exist in multiple dimensions that are outside of human perception, and would stand to reason that we are only shown what they want us to see. I believe they are waiting for our human race to become more enlightened, peaceful, and accepting before disclosing their existence to the whole world in a way that can't be dismissed. We have had help getting where we are now, and if you think about it the odds of hostility from ETs is low. Any being able to get to the level they would be on would have to have found a way to be a peaceful race. When we can reach that point and overcome our ego fully we may be ready to advance into the galactic community. Until then they will continue to watch, study, and manipulate our progresses. So for those still unconvinced, Buzz Aldren and Neil Armstrong reported back to NASA during the 2 minute loss of video feed during the moonwalk. This has been publicly declassified in 2012, and they told NASA that there were ships on the rim of a crater that were not if earthly design. They also reported seeing what appeared to be a sophisticated mining facility in the surface of the moon. A common known fact among astrophysicists is that the moon is rich with a byproduct from the sun called Helium 3. This never reaches Earth due to our atmosphere and magnetic field, thus we cannot harvest it here. Helium 3 is a resource that can be used as a clean, long-lasting fuel source. Many scientists have purportedly reverse-engineered alien craft at Area 51 and S4 that were powered by Helium 3, and it is believed that our moon is being mined for this galactic resource that we cannot yet utilize. Why would the first 2 Astronauts to walknon the moon lie about it all, and why would other astronauts, scientists, and government officials leak all the information that is out there if it was all fake. Cover up is what the government sides with, not hoaxes. There are some countries that have even embraced the idea of extra terrestrial life, and made all of their records public knowledge. France was the first, then Mexico. Since then many European countries have followed suit, and the US now takes a stance of not trying to prevent information on alien life and tech from being publicly available anymore, but rather a don't ask don't tell policy where they deny any knowledge. Earth is merely a spec of dust in our galaxy, let alone the cosmos, and the probability of more intelligent life is extremely high based on numbers alone. You add to that the astounding number of people and civilizations that have had interaction with ETs since recorded human history, and the exponential jump in technology since the early 1900s , it seems more than just naive to dismiss the existence of something smarter and more advanced than any life we have seen. Many aliens are said to exist in multiple dimensions that are outside of human perception, and would stand to reason that we are only shown what they want us to see. I believe they are waiting for our human race to become more enlightened, peaceful, and accepting before disclosing their existence to the whole world in a way that can't be dismissed. We have had help getting where we are now, and if you think about it the odds of hostility from ETs is low. Any being able to get to the level they would be on would have to have found a way to be a peaceful race. When we can reach that point and overcome our ego fully we may be ready to advance into the galactic community. Until then they will continue to watch, study, and manipulate our progresses.

Where the fuck are they getting this stuff? What the fuck would Helium 3 even be? I

/r/astrophys Thread Link - thespiritscience.net