If you had to say which character you were the most like in personality or if you had to choose which one you relate to most - who would you pick? Why did you choose them?

Negan with a mix of carol. CEGAN/NAROL! :D Totally not a serial killer. Totally hypothetical. I'd have no qualms about killing someone if they got in my way. Unlike Glenn. Human life is no more precious to me than any other human. What is important is the future.

I study tons of history, the mongols were the most effective at getting what they wanted, so I'd follow their tactics with a modern twist! >:D

I would want to make my own Republic. I'd sack surrounding settlements if needed. If it meant a New Republic was secured. Guess slightly different to Negan. But like I said, bit of carol. But the ends justify the means. Carol would be my main fag hag for sure right hand woman :D I'd only step down once I've secured enough settlements and enough land to be self sufficient and protected. Then Elections would begin. Make sure no laws could be created on the basis of personal morality. Your morality is not law, nor will it ever be. Gays want to get married, that will be protected in a new consitution. So I'd be a Dictator for a good 10 - 20 years. If we're good warriors (with carol, we're unstoppable) I'd conquer the whole of the former USA and maybe, Canada.

I'd use mongolian tactics to expand the republic, keep a few alive when I'd burn a settlement and then direct them to another settlement and then they would tell of the fear and destruction to these settlements, then when I come to these settlements they should surrender to fear, or I'd take their leader in a exchange hostage in good faith and show him the destruction I've caused. then they would yield to my authority. If not, If I can't get through to them I'll kill every child, woman and man. The needs of the many out way the needs of the few. America would be divided, The few last humans scattered across north America. I would need our species to reunite it at any and all costs. If mine and carols actions saves settlements/humanity and the English language dividing. Then I'd do it. since America is huge. We must save Freedom, otherwise you'll see monarchies rise up and shitty non freedom loving republics.. you'll see a thing in a few thousand years like post Roman Empire in Europe with death and destruction and a divided languages.. Not good. Kill now to secure these lands, or face larger loss of life in the future. I cannot allow divisions on the north American continent. Long live the Republic! We'd be stronger together than alone. We would jumpstart civilization again.

A new constitution too, to defend freedom of speech, women rights, gay rights, transgender rights. I'd defend it all. I wouldn't care if my fellow citizens called me a faggot, hated me. I do what needed to be done. No more laws of morality I'd set up free schools so students can learn what they want to lean, also a compulsory lesson for students to truly believe and defend the constitution. Slight propaganda, but its necessary good propaganda.

I love freedom! I should of been born American. AMERICA FUCK YEA!!!! I can be American right guys? No? The founding fathers were Anglo-American too... :(

Just realised what I wrote. Possible downvotes. It's probably warranted to be fair. But you asked my personality and that's what I would do. I guess growing up in Europe we see what the sick fucks our royal families ancestors did to our ancestors and wouldn't want a repeat. No more peasantry or bullshit titles. That's what makes America great.

The patient may not want the medicine, but he requires it to survive. That's what humanity would need. I'd be the painful needle delivering the medicine.

Once again totally not a sociopath.. >:D

/r/thewalkingdead Thread