If you had to write your own 'Ten Commandments,' what would they be?


1.) Try not to harm people unless they pose an immediate, extreme threat to your life or general safety, in which case, aim to kill rather than to inflict suffering. Try not to harm animals unless they've attacked you, in which case, aim to kill rather than to inflict suffering, or unless you plan to eat them. Try not to harm children at all.

2.) Don't steal.

3.) Try to treat everyone you meet respectfully. When someone treats you with malice, however, disregard respect entirely.

4.) Warn your guests at least three times before forcefully evacuating them for treating you, your family, or your property poorly.

5.) Don't engage in gossip. It's pointless and helps no one.

6.) Don't rape.

7.) Accept all gifts politely. Do what you will with those gifts when the person who gave them to you isn't around.

8.) Don't make any false promises or empty threats. Always do exactly what you say you're going to do.

9.) Don't take pleasure in another's suffering unless that person happens to be a masochist and welcomes you to take pleasure in their suffering.

10.) Try to handle negative emotions reasonably.

11.) Try not to lie unless you deem it absolutely necessary.

12.) Try to remain calm, level-headed, respectful and logical in stating your beliefs or opinions.

/r/AskReddit Thread