If you hate President Donald Trump, what has he done to upset you so much?

Disclaimer: I don't keep up with politics, and I don't know everything there is to know about Donald Trump.

Here's my issue - he's a goddamned liar, and he doesn't give a shit about people.

According to politifact only like 30% of what the man says is more than half true. Now, I understand using caution when trusting information online, so I'll be generous and give him an extra 20% truthfulness. Even with a twenty percent buffer, the fucking president of the United States is lying half of the time. Christ Almighty. I shouldn't even have to provide more of an argument. To make this even worse (which shouldn't be possible), people who support trump seem completely oblivious to his lies. I once listened to a podcast episode in which an avid trump supporter was interviewed, and when the host brought up Trump's lying habit, the interviewee turned into a broken record, saying "what lie?" and "when did he lie?" and "what did he lie about?" over and over again, even after the host provided fact after fact. People who support Trump hold him in such high regard that even when he does something undeniably wrong, they're completely blind to it.

I would explain why I think he doesn't give a shit about America or the people in it, but I'm tired and I don't feel like researching specifics. If I tried to explain myself now, it wouldn't make any sense, and I'd get a lot of shit wrong. All I'll say is that if you're allowing Betsy DeVos to be the secretary of education, and you're giving authority to people who believe climate change isn't happening, you're not just hurting Americans, you're doing the entire world and injustice.

I'm not looking to argue here. OP wants opinions, I'll give mine.

/r/AskReddit Thread