If you hated Discovery, do you want a Pike series?

The Discovery writers literally threw all plot logic and credibility out if the window just to get away from the prequel setting. They had every crew member suddenly decide to abandon all of their friends, families and loved and travel 900 years into the future for absolutely no reason. They Armin Tamzarian'd the entire show up to the point, having everyone in the entire galaxy agree to never mention the events of the first two seasons ever again. They did all that to get away from the confines or canon. They straight up destroyed the integrity of their own show just to force it into a point in the timeline where they would no longer be beholden to established continuity.

For them to do all that and then immediately launch a TOS prequel with Pike, Spock and Number One on the USS Enterprise would be unfathomably stupid and show a complete lack of direction and leadership.

/r/startrek Thread