If he doesn’t want to take you out on a date, he probably thinks you’re not worth it/“ugly”

You can be literally perfect 10s across the board and still have a shitty time dating.

Yup. It's a fallacy to think that if you're pretty enough, your safe.

Men like the ones in the OP dont value women period. I would bet you that if better looking women gave them a chance, they would just play by the Narcissistic man handbook: a few fancy first dates and attempts at good behavior, before she get a bit comfortable, his mask slips, and he makes it his life mission to break her down so she won't leave.

All men care about attraction to some extent, but a HVM is a HVM. He won't value anyone just as a trophy. In my real life I've seen a good number of guys who aren't obsessed with beauty like that and they all treat their wives very well no matter how she looks (and there definitely a range).

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