If immigrants don't want to assimilate then they should not be welcome

If they are born here, why would they need to create branches of public schools to teach English? They already have classes catering to all children for English. Understandably, it would be their second language, but for children its easier to learn a second language. They are also legally American Citizens, so its not like tax dollars are "wasted" its paying for the betterment of America. I don't really think you can fault children for not being able to pick where they were born.

And Im assuming you are now talking about illegal immigrants. I think if we wanna talk about immigration we really have to stop bundling all of them together (illegal and legal). There really isn't an issue with legal immigration, but I agree that illegal immigrants are a problem and should be a dressed.

Out of curiosity, what exactly did you ask to determine if the population you spoke to was infact an immigrant one? Can't exactly walk up and ask for proof of citizenship lol.

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