If you have intimacy at your disposal, IDGAF about your problems

Incels are misogynists who beehive they are entitled to sex with any woman they find attractive. How does anything I've said resemble that at all?? I expressed frustration that, as a painfully long-term single guy, it really sucks hearing about other people's problems which in some ways are similar to my own and in other ways are very minor to mine and yet they have the luxury of having intimacy, much less dating and relationships, at their disposal.

Also, not knowing anything about me, you wouldn't know that I'm actually an extremely empathetic person, but like anyone I sometimes have a breaking point. It's very easy for some people, presumably you included, to judge me and abuse me of not having empathy, when in fact all day every day I hear about and read about other people's problems, feel my own problems that much more keenly, and then am reminded -- sometimes very graphically and demonstratively -- that they have a whole lot that I don't have, making the problems I suffer from feel even worse still.

I don't expect shit from anyone; not sex and certainly not sympathy. I am, however, entitled to feel the completely valid feelings that each over me when I hear about the privileges of others that I don't have on top of the problems I do have.

You presume that I "act like this" around people out in the world and not simply anonymously on the internet; I don't and if you read the reasons I give for the rejection and failures I experience you'd see it has nothing to do with my attitude toward or around people -- which is not at all represented by my post here. That doesn't change the fact that the world is full of shallow, superficial people whose behavior is exacerbated by the dating-by-window-shopping apps and sites like Tinder.

Can you not just accept the plain truth that people are shallow and superficial and the reality of how the world works is simply very very frustrating and depressing for someone like me?

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread Parent