If Legion has proved anything, it is that we need more cross-character factors

I know it seems daunting at first, but really it's not too bad. I'm working on my 7th and 8th toons right now and this is what I've learned:


  1. You need your main to be AK 25 with a good amount of order resources and bloods. It's also important that your followers are maxed and have the best equipment to make sure you can get as close to 200% mission completion as possible. Why do you need resources? Missions and AK 20 tomes to send to your alt. Why bloods? To buy order resources to send to followers. Why high mission completion? To send rep tokens to alts.


  1. Download conslegion addon. This is awesome. It puts you on the most efficient path to complete each zone. This is a MUST. Also handy notes to see legion treasure locations.


  1. If the class you're leveling has a tank spec, get that artifact first. Otherwise dealers choice. Reason being is tank specs left you pull everything and aoe it down along with no mount dazing. You don't have to stick with tank but it makes leveling easy.


  1. Pick a zone and get to 101 using conslegion


  1. Once at 101 immediately open your mission table. Have your main send you tons of order resources. (24 bloods worth is a good start.) start sending your followers on XP missions. Only do AP missions if no xp missions are up. Use the app to run these missions throughout the day. Always open the first mission boost class hall item. The loot upgrade item is almost worthless because you'll be leveling fairly quickly.


  1. Continue leveling zones using conslegion and picking up treasures along the way (don't bother going far out of your way, just get the ones in your path.) Check class hall for campaign quests and keep those completed. Usually when you hit 105 the missions open for your class campaign so get those done. The app is your friend and use your main for extra order resources as needed.


  1. Between the app and leveling using conslegion I hit 110 in 2-3 zones. If you finish a zone don't immediately do the final dungeon. Wait for the corresponding campaign dungeon quests so you can complete them simultaneously.


  1. Once you hit 110, immidiately use your AK20 tome and get the rest of your AK upgrades going. Also go get your flight whistle. And do the opening of Suramar to get shal'aran and the FP. Before completing or starting any of the zones, run around your non explored zones to get the essential flight points. At this point complete your 3 emissary quests.


  1. Now use conslegion to finish the remaining zones and then begin the suramar quest line. Complete your class hall campaign.


  1. Enjoy your new alt.


Doing all of this I can get an alt up to 850ish ilvl, with 35 traits within a week or two depending on how much time I want to invest. The ONLY thing I wish they'd change is the rep requirements for Suramar. I think that should be reduced/removed for alts if completed on a main. I hope this helps a little and makes it a little less daunting.

  1. While you're doing this, complete rep missions on your main to send to your alt. Save your rep tokens for the darkmoon faire. Also if you get Kirin Tor quests only pick Nighfallen till you're exalted with them. I typically save those for DMF as well.
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