If a level 25 ends up in your competitive match, try to give them some advice instead of just spewing vitriol and abuse.

I never repeated, that reporting a kid for throwing when it is actually trying is wrong. If you can prove me otherwise please do, but I don't think you can because i actually got annoyed that i forgot to mention it before already and I wouldnt do that if I had mentioned it before, would I? I only said toxicity as a whole is a problem, but that is not all that specific to this situation but the problem of like 50% of the posts on this sub.

What the father thinks his daughter can see at an age of 11 years is his choice and of course in this case it was too much, but this is still a post about solving toxicity, not about parents letting their kids play competitive. The post title is even addressing "Level 25", and trust me, a level 25 40 year old player that can handle toxicity might still be bad at the game if it is his first shooter for example. The same problem of toxicity still applies and also the 40 year old would do better if people gave him advice rather than flaming him, even if he can handle it. So should he not play competitive because he finds it too toxic to learn the game?

And while it appears that you definitely dont like the flamers now, previously you completely left them out and in your original comment it sounded as if you were blaming the father and only the father. You may not have said they didn't do anything wrong, but you also didnt indicate in any way that you that it was more than just the father's fault.

/r/Overwatch Thread Parent