If looks could kill

Hey there, veterinary student here. I applaud you for spending the money to feed your dogs well and am not here to judge, but just want to say that raw diets are actually not recommended by most vets, and the main reason for that is because of the risk of foodborne pathogens, not just for your dogs, but for yourself preparing it as well. If you can, you should always cook meat - which would then mean removing the bones as stated in other comments! The kidney problems you mention are not actually due to the food being processed per se, it's because the food is dry. If an animal is not getting proper water intake alongside a dry food diet, kidney issues are more likely (especially in cats). Should that happen to your own animals, one solution is to feed canned or semi-dry foods with higher water content.

And I have to throw in the age-old veterinary nutrition proverb: animals need nutrients, not ingredients. While the image of raw meat as a natural diet for dogs and cats is a nice one, formulated foods are ultimately processed in their bodies the same way and will still meet all of their needs. As long as they enjoy what they're eating, it's keeping them healthy, and the owner can afford to feed it, there's nothing wrong with it!

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