If Lucifer, who was one of the angels closest to god, believed so much that he could defeat god that he challenged him (along with scores of angels in the rebellion), does that mean that Lucifer knew that god was not undefeatable?

I'm just throwing this out there, stay with me for a second.

Duality is a very real trait that makes up each of us. There is the good side of us, and the bad side of us. If free will exists, then wouldn't we need this duality to make decisions? Without it, every decision would already be dictated. If good, always good decisions, if bad, always bad decisions.

We are supposedly created in his image... What if God also has a kind of duality. What if the loving God man worships is akin to our good natured side and "Satan" is the part of God akin to our bad natured side. We only assume opposing parts of the mind cannot be separate because they are contained in our own body. However, if a soul is real, if the mind exists outside of the body, then the rules are off. There's no reason to assume they have to occupy the same space.

My point? If we decide for a moment to believe the Bible then let's look at a couple things that happen. First, Micheal is one of the lead archangels, he has to invoke Gods name to rebuke Satan. This implies Satan is more powerful than the Archangels. Later, Satan comes up to Christ, the son of God, and says the following:

"And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.” Matthew 4:9

Now, this implies that he may be more powerful than Christ, or at least is in a position of authority over Christ at that moment. The only person we know of that is more authoritative than Christ would be God.

So, what I am pondering, and in no sense adhere to, is what if Satan is God. Just like that part of you that you don't really like in yourself that seems to have a mind of his own. That thinks depressing thoughts, that creates absurd thoughts in your head that you would never speak out loud. Some philosophers have referred to it as our little "imp".

If, hypothetically, this is the case, then "Satan" would have a chance to win. He would be, technically, just as powerful as God, because he is part of God. Just as the little "imp" inside of us sometimes wins and we do something we know we shouldn't. Notice that despite Gods all power, he never kills Satan... why? Even in the end, Satan is chained up but is never destroyed, he is just locked away. I can "chain up" my inner imp and ignore him but to permanently rid myself of the opposing part of my dual nature I don't like, I would have to kill myself. I'd have to destroy it all.

Anywho, I've also asked myself this question. If God is all powerful, why doesn't he just destroy satan and be done with it. The only rational reason I can think of is that he can't destroy satan without destroying himself. That would be the only reason not to and still make sense. It would also explain why other angels would chose to follow "satan". They obviously thought he had a chance as well. It's insane to think an angel could defeat God, even us dumb humans would have known that. However, betting on either one of the aspects of a dual natured being is not so dumb. The entities that rebelled would have had to see "satan" as at least an equal to God and since God is God, the only equal to him is himself.

I'm not claiming to believe this, but it is something I've pondered.

/r/DebateAChristian Thread