If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him: On the subject of Zen and religion.

Hi Ronin!! :) :) :)

You will come to look upon those aeons of work and achievement as no better than unreal actions performed in a dream.

Lately this has been coming up a lot with me, the Buddha's "...a bubble, a dream..." description of life. I've been consistently having terrible nightmares that are bluring the lines between awake and asleep. Often I wake up relieved and exhausted but still questioning all day if I will again 'wake up'. I forget the dreams often but the traumatic feelings linger.

It makes me fearful of death being a prolonged version dreaming, despite no evidence that dreaming happens when the brain is devoid of activity. At the same time its making me suffer enough to have one or two suicidal thoughts from the recurrent torture.

Anyone have this negative projection from this 'dreams are real' type of thought? "This too shall pass" or what"? Or is it subconcious?

/r/zen Thread