If Metal Gear 1 & 2 were remade what would you like to see redone, added etc.?

I've daydreamed of this, in 2024 Hideo Kojima returns to Konami (all in secret) to remake MG1. Konami higher ups are now gone and the lower producers at the company who worked and liked Kojima at the time now have moved up to higher positions. They want to return to what made Konami great, Metal Gear. A trailer appears at E3. It appears to be some sort of technical difficulty, this isn't scheduled to appear what's going on. Very very slowly fading in this songNo text is on the screen, slowly a big hangar is shown, soldiers patrolling, a soldier receives a transmission "keep your eyes open, and double patrols. Yes sir" slowly the text "A Hideo Kojima Game" appears then you see a young solid Snake voiced by David Hayter hiding. Talking into his codec, "commencing operation intrude" Screen cuts to black with menu pistol shot from MGS1 Coming 2025. The crowd erupts with cheer and the internet breaks.

/r/metalgearsolid Thread