If the new Biolabs dome will give better fps, do you have any similar suggestion to give to the devs regarding optimization?

Remove clouds, vegetation and use a blank white texture for everything! /sssssss

I have a 7 years old Phenom II X4 965+HD6870 1GB PC. I used the same PC back in 2012 too and to be honest, i didn't notice much performance improvements. This is my old video from 2013 january and while you are not able to see the FPS i don't think it's lower than 20FPS. And this is while recording! I would have the same FPS now.

Some more old footages (sorry for FOV, it's a 1280x1024 gameplay cropped to 1280x720. I still have the same monitor.). Bio lab battle... looks ~25FPS, i would have the same FPS now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_k965F7ahA

Instead of reworking everything third time and doing half finished contents maybe employ someone who is willing to port this fuking game from DX9 to 11.

I remember "Operation: Make Faster Game", they removed a lot of "useless" things. Seriously, did that help on someone? Intel HD Graphics performance is finally 15FPS instead of 10? They won't play, potato performance will be still potato, these things aren't helping.

/r/Planetside Thread