If not feminism, then what?

Yes you have to wait until you're far post wall, with no chance of ever being a mother or grandmother, facing down menopause and coming to grips with the undeniable fact that millions and millions of years of evolution end with you. And what did you accomplish? You made some spreadsheets, maybe gave a talk or two that nobody will ever remember, and worked to spread this cancerous ideology into other people? Then you'll lament, "but nobody told me", as several women have said to me literally. And I'll look at you and say I did tell you before you go pop your pharmaceuticals or drink yourself into an early grave.

Anyway I've had this discussion with my wife since like all women she was a strong independent womantm before she met me and turned into a strong actual woman because I told her to. She was just doing what she was told to do before by our loving tv and warm caring corporations and the government who truly has her best interests at heart. But now!!! Oh my gosh now she's doing what her evil hateful husband tells her to do and doing what's in the best interest of her cold robotic children.

Anyway I don't blame women cause women just do what the herd does and they are lied to constantly from birth. It's up to whatever guys listen to self improve, learn game and plow through a bunch of women, until he gets older and finds one lucky young girl to give a family to. There just aren't that many guys around who are good enough to do it. Hell just look around here and all over the internet at the sheer number of guys who lament their male burden of performance and disposability rather than embrace them. Things that will never change.

But yes you can't really reflect on your life in advance. That's kind of the definition.

Oh another reason it's up to guys to make the changes? Because we have the time. I can have kids when I'm old. You can't. It's the greatest gift a man gets. We get the gift of time. Oh and another important thing when looking for a quality wife and mother? She can't be in a ton of debt, and student loans fuck that up. Along with all the other shit student loans and our debt based economy fuck up.

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