If you only read one political book in your life, read Blackshirts and Reds by Michael Parenti.

What does any of this have to do with communist dictators being horrible murderous autocrats?

You basically say “well that wasn’t real communism! It was just a stepping stone towards real communism!” You argue “I don’t really try ... to exonerate them” yet you spent the whole first two paragraphs arguing that China and the USSR just had to implement economic policies that caused starvation and death in order to try and achieve communism.

But then you go on to say the USSR was a story of failed industrialisation and not communism??? So the USSR was trying achieve communism through industrialisation but that same rapid industrialisation wasn’t communism? When the whole point of a communist economy is to move away from an agrarian based economy to a centralised industrial one? This is some very bizarre circular logic and unintelligible nonsense.

And let’s just say, for a moment, that you’re correct and that the pain, misery and death caused by Communist Parties in places as diverse as Cuba, Poland, China, the USSR and Cambodia “wasn’t real communism.” Doesn’t the fact that they did so under the name of communism give it a bad rap? Furthermore didn’t most of these leaders genuinely believe that their policies were taking their countries towards the fabled promised land of a communist paradise?

/r/books Thread Parent