"If the only thing you worry about in terms of politics is women's issues or other identity politics, you must be living a pretty cushy life and are out of touch with most Americans." or: Berniebro defines the utterly inconsiderate Bernie Sanders movement in 1 sentence.

Many of the things that you wrote about have nothing to do with identity politics, and in fact, I actually agree with you on many of them, which you would have figured out if you had initially responded to me instead of insulting me. Additionally, many of these things have nothing to do with me and I have no idea why you're assuming I hold those positions. You're pretending that I'm some sort of down-the-line Bernie supporter when that's simply not the case at all. You have no idea what my political beliefs are, other than those that I described in my post. The only views I described in my post, were the fact that I am anti-identity politics.

People have other problems, and people are selfish. They are going to vote for their own best interest, or at least try to, instead of voting to help a tiny portion the population that are encountering the problems that you listed. Identity politics does not win elections, and if you want to help minorities and women out, the Democratic Party has to drop the identity politics so that they can actually win and then pass policies that help minority groups. The vast majority of people roll their eyes when they hear Democrats spouting off identity politics and have no platform to run on.

There is nothing passive about my aggression, you're an inconsiderate dick that thinks the world should be centered on you

Nice projection. I'm stating what Americans think, not what I think. I'm covered, I'm fortunate enough and well off enough to not have to worry about politics. But I am well aware of people that are, and how they feel. Look at the polling data.

We're very closely aligned, you just put me into a tribalistic group that is opposed to yours because we disagree on the means to the end we both agree on.

/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam Thread Parent Link - np.reddit.com