If you own a food truck .. you will make BANK in Florida right now.

why didnt people prepare and buy food before the time?

Edit: Apparently american are addicted to cooked food and cant go more than a day without something fried. That explains a lot

Your edit makes you seem rather deserving of the down-votes that you received.

You make a lot of judgements and assumptions. Multiple times in one comment.

When apparently you're in a complete different part of the world, and have no clue what you're talking about. That's Downvote 101 my friend.

Regarding your edit, where again, you make these assumptions.

Quote where you saw one person say they wanted

something fried.

You can't. Again, take this as a lesson as to why you are getting downvoted. You're just spitting shit out of your fingers on to a screen. Pure Shit.

May I also suggest to you that people in America like to be around people and be happy. We don't want to be stuck in isolation eating food that was designed for population control. We want to eat wholesome ingredients, in light; with others.

But you call it

addicted to cooked food.

....I'll try to translate to see if we can get this to register with you: Ahem.. How many consecutive days could you eat porridge alone in a room, before you desired to go get crumpets with some mates???

Did it register yet?

Also, another note about Americans in 2017... we don't roll with negative people. We flock to positivity.

So, go get some vitamin D, and a home cooked meal, and turn that frown upside down. Smiling will help you feel better, it's scientifically proven. (Try it.)

/r/TropicalWeather Thread Parent