If people in the alt-Right consider immigrants to be "invaders" who shouldn't have children with Western women, with whom should the potential children (from these relationships) have children with?

I think it doesn't matter as much as say Black/white. If you belive the bible (sadly few of my fellow caucasians do, and even less history) Caucasians, and Arabs all have a common ancestor in Abraham. Due to warying enviroments once 12 tribes went through the caucus mountains and into Europe they became lighter due to enviromental changes. In Syria (Syrians also have whites) and other Arabic sources Hebrews (not todays imposters) were always lighter skinned. Egyptian sources show Hebrews as light skinned, and then a sunburn colour. In some artworks, Joseph is depicted as more Arab and mary white. At some point it became near impossible for the Arabs and Hebrews to identify Jews since edomites married in with Khazzars. So when Jesus/Isa came he came for (putting aside differences in detail for a sec) there were two tribes of people (again this is depicted in much older christian art) who understood him the semetic Isralites, and Arabs who hadn't intermixxed with Cainintes.

Israelites are white Europeans, and not Jews. Which makes sense, since Jacobits were merceful, and edomites were destructive. It's much the same today.

/r/DebateAltRight Thread