If a person still talks to you but the vibe is different, do you ask or do you let it fade?

Two dates is probably too early for exclusivity but it's not too early to know if you're interested or not. If he's not more interested after 2 dates than he was before the first date, he's not that interested... or he's used to the woman doing all the chasing and prefers to play the hot-cold game. Neither of those are appealing so it's best to just delete and move on.

If a guy is interested, he will increase and escalate the relationship, consistently, over time. Look for consistency. If he's hot and cold and flaky and inconsistent, it doesn't matter his reasons why... he's not going to be a good relationship partner for you. It could be that he lost interest, it could be that he's just lazy and prefers the woman to feel really insecure in response to his mixed messaging. The "why" doesn't really matter. Do you want a guy who barely reaches out? Clearly not, or it wouldn't be a problem for you.

You can call it out and see what happens, but don't give him another chance after this one. If it scares him off, good. If he says he's still interested, steps it up for a day or two and then goes back to being a flake again, don't offer another chance.

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