If Reddit existed in 1922, what sort of questions would be asked on here?

Women of Reddit, what traits do you find attractive in a gentleman suitor?


-| I shall be watching this thread with interest.


---| If you're not a woman, why did you even bother responding?


-----| You shouldn't be getting downvoted for this. Seriously, their comment adds nothing.


-------| I disagree. I think it prompts interesting discussion.


---------| An on-topic answer would do the same thing. This is just noise.


-----------| Reddit was better before the kids took over.

Do you believe that all races are equal? Why or why not?


-| No. Some races are superior. The 100-meter dash, for instance.


---| You had us in the first half, I'm not going to lie.


-----| Ugh, I'm so sick of that stupid meme.


-------| "Meme?" What? Are we just making up words now?


---------| I'm a time-traveler. It's a thing from the future.


-----------| Sure, buddy. God, Reddit was better before the kids took over.

Factory-workers of Reddit, how would you feel about getting weekends off?


-| Yes.


---| Here we go again! What is the point of your comment?! It doesn't entertain or inform!

---| It doesn't contribute anything! You just wrote "yes" so that everyone would mindlessly

---| upvote you, and now better-written and insightful answers are less likely to be seen!

---| Talk about why you should get weekends off! Share some experiences! Give us

---| something beyond a single-word waste of space!


-----| You're not wrong, but maybe you're taking all of this too seriously.


-------| Eh, I understand where he's coming from. Reddit used to be a lot better.


---------| Where have I heard that sentiment before?


-----------| I'm just saying that Reddit was better before the kids took over.

Creative individuals of Reddit, how would you best stage a heist if you were forced to include a deranged clown, a nun, and a guy who refused to say anything other than "Boat!" in your posse?


-| [Removed]

What isn't illegal, but feels like it should be?


-| Child labor.


---| At this point, I strongly disagree. Don't get me wrong, I understand the merits of

---| forbidding children from working... but if they were occupied at the factories,

---| maybe they'd spend less time offering GODDAMNED SINGLE-SENTENCE

---| ANSWERS ON REDDIT! "Oh, look at me! I was the first person to write

---| 'child labor' this time! I didn't have to think or contribute! Give me

---| those precious upvotes, everyone!"


-----| Dude, seriously, go outside.


-------| "Dude?" Wait, aren't you the guy who made up that other word? "Meme," was it?


---------| Like I told you last time: I'm a time-traveler.


-----------| You know what? I agree with the angry guy now: Reddit was better before the kids took over.

/r/AskReddit Thread