"If you resist, you provoke"

From a recent post by u/Pikkko

First he quotes Bankei:

Even if evil thoughts come up, just let them come up, (C) don't involve yourself with them, and they can't help but stop.

Isn't this just the same as if they didn't arise?(D)

Then he comments:

C. It takes courage and honesty to allow evil thoughts, thoughts we don't like, dangerous thoughts, to come without fighting with them.

To those who are not honest with themselves it becomes an endless power struggle, a wrestling match for dominance, good vs evil, ...Bankei calls it "Switching your Buddha Mind for a fighting demon".

D. If you no longer fought, or resisted your thoughts, how would they maintain a chronically solid existence in your mind? They thrive on resistance to keep their shape. They depend on you constantly playing/fighting/dancing with them to stay.



/r/zen Thread