If you set off fireworks unprofessionally, especially in a residential neighborhood, you’re an inconsiderate asshole.

Here in CO where I live, people being inconsiderate assholes is the default setting. People don't set off fireworks just for the 4th. They set them off for graduations, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Grandma's birthday, whatever. They're just assholes.

Last week, some asshole neighbor was lighting off roman candles, powerful enough where my whole house shook and my dog, who has PTSD from some previuous owner, pissed on my kitchen floor - all in the middle of dinner. I drove around the corner to this house, found about 5 middle aged CO rednecks drinking beers and thought 'If I contront those assholes, this isn't going to go well.' Called the cops and shut them down in 5 minutes.

Have an upvote.

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