If Subs wouldn´t/don´t work, would the time be wasted?

Although I have been inactive for a while, it definitely depends on your approach. If you are really this stupid and don't get busy while listening and rely on Subliminals. Its wasted time. If you tryhard to get results e. g. scripting , maladaptive daydreaming etc. its wasted tine. The thing is, in my 2 years no results phase I learned a lot of different stuff. Being grateful for what you have. Meditation, consistency, systems to improve your mental health, overall subconscious basics on how to retain information etc. This isnt wasted time at all. Even if you never get physical appearance Subliminals, its fine. We have 3 states of mind that are operating each other. The lowest is: If I HAVE xyz, then I feel happy. Its the lowest state of Mind that operates from lack. You see the fulfillment in material (incl. physical features) the fullfillment The middle state us, if I DO xyz, I feel better. e. g. If I do weightlifting or nofap, I feel better. Its a mixture of lack and action. You see the fulfillment in an activity The highest state that I yet try to achieve is to BE. I don't need Wheightlifting to feel better. Changes always immerses, if wanted, Inside out. Once we cleaned our Subconscious mind. It's very possible to get into the being statement.

/r/Subliminal Thread