Why is it that if you suggest men have needs in relationships you are a villain?

Because feminist pedagogy has hijacked the term "emotional labor" and taught generations of girls that not getting your way 100% of the time is oppression.

They participate in dissembly to have resources funneled to them, they've got rights, protections, and privileges that men are being stripped of (by their legislation), and they still have the nerve to call themselves oppressed when the fucking world is bending over backwards catering to them.

Yet they don't even bother bringing up the real oppression faced by women in middle eastern countries because that's islamophonic. No, they just contribute to cry about oppressive air conditioners.

It really does make me feel ashamed of my gender. Feminists are in the minority (I think something like 17% of people in the US identify as feminist and the support is dwindling), but oh my god they do so much damage to everybody.

/r/MensRights Thread