If “it takes money to make money”, what can I do with my money??

Well I’m 26 and my annual spending is ~$28K/year.

I know my finances aren’t in perfect condition, but in comparison to the people around me, I’m doing pretty well.

Also, (and I’m sorry if this seems defensive, I just cannot tell if you’re trying to get a rise out of me here or not) I’m not under any illusion that I’m going to FIRE, or that the movement is even for GED factory workers, which is why I posted this here and not r/FIRE.

So yes, I need a new job, ideally one that both treats their workers better and pays better. But I’m not optimistic that those things just happen without some effort. However being the small town, unqualified, backwards hick that I am, I neither have the knowledge, nor any community with answers on how one lifts themselves out of an economically destitute micro-town. So I asked on Reddit.

Thanks for the time and effort anyways though.

/r/personalfinance Thread Parent