If Thanos was dropped into your favorite universe, how would he do?

Thanos appears suddenly, in deep space. A subtle shift in the darkness catches his attention. Any lesser being would have certainly missed it. A black spot, darker than the empty space around it, moving in the distance. He braces himself as he realizes the darkness has shifted in his direction, moving toward him. In a blink, the stars are gone. The ship is upon him, faster than he could have imagined. The hundred mile wingspan of the Nightfighter fills his view. It's hull impossibly black, absorbing almost all light. He can feel the ships power. It must be his to command. He reaches for the hull, but is unable to find any grip. The frictionless surface slips from his hands, again and again. Suddenly, the ship is gone and he is alone.

After finding his way to Earth, Thanos is completely uncontested. The humans claim to be immortal, but they are feeble and pathetic in the face of his might. In what would be the last attempt at resistance, the humans assault him with a weapon he had never even considered. Two oppositely charged micro black holes slice into his body and merge, somewhere deep within him. The resulting explosion should have torn his body (and everything in a 1 mile radius) to shreds, but the Mad Titan shrugs it off. He crushes the humans who dared attack him, and with them, any remaining hope for humanity. He rules uncontested in the known universe.

With his newfound power, Thanos constructs an unimaginable armament. He grows a ship from Xeelee construction material, virtually indestructible. With this, he might contest the Xeelee. His goal, to obtain control of a Nightfighter. The Mad Titan lays waste to the Galaxy. Commandeered starbreaker beams slice through planets and stars effortlessly. He must draw the Xeelee in.

The Nightfighter is before him. Blacker than the void. Startled, Thanos immediately attacks with everything he has. Some red light is reflected from the Nightfighter hull where his starbreaker beams fall. He fires micro black holes at the ship. It disappears from his sight, as suddenly (and as undamaged) as it appeared.

Thanos appears suddenly, in deep space. A subtle shift in the darkness catches his attention. Any lesser being would have certainly missed it. A black spot, darker than the empty space around it, moving in the distance. He braces himself as he realizes the darkness has shifted in his direction, moving toward him. In a blink, the stars are gone. The ship is upon him, faster than he could have imagined. The hundred mile wingspan of the Nightfighter fills his view. Red light lances across him, and his body is torn to pieces in seconds.

/r/whowouldwin Thread