If there was some sort of apocalypse in the UK, where would you head for and why?

We got a glimpse if not more during Covid so now imagine it 10x worse.

This wasn't even that bad if you wasn't an idiot, if people couldn't maintain basic levels like, don't see people for while, keep a distance, mask etc then if this happened like movies I'd wager majority will be dead in a very short time, which in hindsight will be great for you.

Personally I'd sit back and do nothing and the electricity won't go off instantly, so you'd be able to keep up on news by people for a while. Ration food you have left, have a small bag of essentials ready if you need to leave ASAP, my first plan would be how I and few can join up as being alone will be hard going forward but the right people, the problems are when you have kids I only got neice/nephews and a small child is very difficult as it is, let alone in a severe situation.

My car becomes essential but fuel will be limited, any type of food I believe won't be too hard to find, what's the plan? No idea I haven't really thought past initial stages.

But one thing I'm 100% convinced on? The problem won't be the apocalypse it will be other people.

/r/AskUK Thread