if trp is bullshit, tell why being a stereotypical "man in dating" works?

I don't know why you're so insistent on defending TRP as "not all bad". The parts that are "not all bad" are not TRP it's common sense. The parts that are uniquely TRP are all bad, though.

But I personally cannot argue with the things I spoke about

Again, if you're referring to being confident, being assertive, being sexually aggresive in the right way, etc. then it's not TRP advice, it's common sense.

could go even further to say that there is nothing inherently wrong with sleeping around or that "putting all your eggs in one basket" prematurely might lead to heartbreak and sadness that could have been avoided

Again, what you're saying, it's not TRP advice, it's common sense, and sure there's nothing wrong with that.

Where it becomes wrong is when you're lying, manipulating, and cheating to get sex, and become so deluded that you stop perceiving and treating women as human beings.

Want to sleep around? Go for it. Just make sure that everyone involved is a consenting adult who knows what you want (sex with no strings attached) and wants the same thing (sex with no strings attached). And see and treat her as a human being, and not slut-shame for doing exactly what you did, having sex with no strings attached.

Do what makes you happy, never stop improving, do not allow yourself to be made to be ashamed for being "a man"

Yeah, sure, again, this is not TRP, this is common sense.

Unless, of course, you define "a man" as a TRP "alpha", someone without any morals, who exploits weaknesses in vulnerable young women, who sees women as inferior to men in every way, who doesn't treat women, especially ones he sleeps with, as human beings, who lies manipulates and cheats to get sex, who preys on teenage girls, who blames all his problems on Mommy whoops I meant to say women, etc.

If that's your definition of "a man", then yeah, you should be damn ashamed of being "a man", though I believe most people would call this "a manchild", not "a man".

/r/TheBluePill Thread Parent