If Trump’s whole immigration thing is “come here LEGALLY” and “do it the right way,” then why would he and his supporters say things like “go back to where you came from” and “send her back” to people who DID come here the right way and ARE here legally?

i had news on in the background (I usually just read a buncha sources) and my GOD was it boring, the same thing over and over. NOTHING new. Like a bunch of people gossiping about the polls which I ignore. If you believe someone has similar views and good vision, that's who you vote for, and if you're not sure of something, I wouldn't trust a poll. How do we even know if the poll is trustworthy or valid? I sure don't. Yet people on tv were getting in ridiculous arguments about popularity of various politicians. Certain things are obviously the truth and nothing but. We all know it when we hear it and I cannot be convinced two plus two is four (e.g. when someone claims they never met someone who they were pictured shaking hands with, or that they had nothing to do with a porn star even in the face of tons of evidence, etc.) or don't know how to admit they were wrong to demand the death penalty for innocent boys even after the evidence shows absolute innocence. I'm ignoring any poll arguments or discussions up until right before an election and then it'll only be if I need to split the difference and go for the best possible chance.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread Parent