If Trump's 'Doom and Gloom' isn't reality, then please Mr. President (or the rest of Reddit), at what degree do you think we need to get to to be bad enough before we decide to do something?

What is your argument that Hillary is fit to run any branch of government? Atleast Trump didn't bankrupt the only LLC he ever owned.... business since aside, let's evaluate world politics...

She left a State Department in chaos and eventually retired because of health reasons... the fucking Libyan Ambassador was left to die because she couldn't keep communication private (emails) and she needed to sleep at 3am - when the call came in. You do know an ambassador is a very important person right? Well guess what, so is every member of country, and every military or civilian force in the world well as the middle-east region ... they are no less worthy than that of an ambassador... What about us at home in the States? She helped collapse the entire worlds national security... why? Because to do otherwise was too much of a hassle for her in her busy little mind attempting to fuck up the world for greed... Yet, she still remains one of Saudi Arabia's favorite allies....

Piece it together yourself. If you can't understand that you're blinded by the very same thing that you condone, then maybe others should be able surpass you soley based on your lack of intelligence to question your own ignorance.

In other words, you ain't always right dumbass.

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