If u get all the info i just can't understand people that say "i don't care about the animals and i won't ever go vegan"

Was attempting to give my perspective, might have ended up rambling.

I went vegan for my health, “I don’t care about the animals” simply because I was in so much pain I couldn’t even manage to care too much about myself. Several health issues had me debilitated, miserable and depressed. I still have health problems always will and they will get worse.

I was mainly vegetarian for.. probably decades.. if someone made me dinner that had meat in it I ate it, generally my own food had no meat.

“Meat is murder” weakly sounding vegetarians had put me RIGHT OFF ever going vegetarian, let alone vegan decades before, they came across to me then as cringy whining hand wringers getting in my fucking way.

It’s very hard to shake that. I still see stuff online from vegans that makes me cringe and I’ve posted stuff that meat eaters have told me is cringy, I understand this about myself, I’m here, I’m vegan.

Having read a lot about the effects of a vegan diet on my health I tried it and failed a number of times, my conditions improved and got worse on the diet and I got disheartened and it was too much effort on top of being so ill.

Then one day I woke up and said “I’ve had enough, no more”

And things improved and broadly stayed at a good or bearable level. My head got some space to think, my depression largely cleared off and I can assume you I have no intention to go back to eating animal carcasses again.

I believe in experiencing guilt, but not suffering from it.

Before all this I had cut out fish because I believed the fish stocks were/are fucked and the planet is going through an extinction event, but greed has blinded so many so humans continue to rape the land and slaughter the last life out of it.

Learning about the Dodo in school was a cautionary tale not a how to guide.

I’ve kept animals, milked some and slaughtered others, I thought I was living a rural natural life, I was wrong.

The peace I’ve gained from eating vegan has given me space to examine why others are drawn to the compassion reasons for going vegan, I accept those reasons as valid, even if some of them are presented in a cringy manner. I’d like vegans to accept those of us that came to it through our own health to be as accepting, but that seems too difficult for some.

I’m pretty Zen or try to be, I took 30 mins to shoosh a fly out the window yesterday, usually it takes a lot less time :)

/r/vegan Thread