If you’ve ever considered picking up a needle..

Found a job pretty quick didnt seem like it but we clawed our way back pretty quickly we did 3very thang there way and I started to listen to her cuz my way wich was honesty and the truth kept getting us in more trouble we got our kid back and all that so july comes aromf her firend that shed always run to and where she stayed for those mouths creterfid trap house she shot h and end up dying on us due to heroin heart or something bow she. Did try for years to help this friend but they knew how tododrugs and luve that life I wasent bout that shit but her frind was one that always tried to pull her back but my wide made her decision and got sober and e en told her she loved her but we had to get out kid but they got in trouble beating sum lady up prior so court issues we had our daughter back only three mounts or so when she went to go get her for court she wasent home ten 12 people alligator. Her house no one new where she was she found out she had didedand was at the hospital for five days somehow blames her self and me for getting her to come home and herself for shutting her out cuz she wanted to stay sober and dodnt want to be around it butyeathat took a to on her and by this time I'm working 65 to 80hour weeks and she had to do all the arrangements pack and clean that house. She found all ki da dope a frind fro as was worth her the first few day s but the more they cleaned and found I dont know when it happend I knowing was working and hapoe.d to get off early trans went overthereand I had a feeling she was high but also though maybe just hurt this was her best friend since teenagers I gave her spa e cuz I didnt want to push her in to anythangvi feelings should have been ther and tookogfeirk but whatever it comes apparent she relaspecandin aug I knda knew but could prove it or whatever wifes sent it to her the day she got high the smart one really but yea she always was the brains I was the jester and bank it worked that way untill it didnt I geting a cig outa her pers and banging uh nd the buddy we in September 2020 iflew oura that house and wanted to toss that pipe but dam that dragon for real oh I actually just herd the crashing dragons song ahigh found that out later and told stay strong I hD fathom her we made it so far went thru so much spit upgothacktogether started with what I thought was nothing got our kid back and fully trusted her but kept my destinee thinking I was helping her but ya and just like thatwe back at it I diapered for like four hours cleaning that pipe befor I tossed it and went back home she knew I new and she hoped I throw it but knew one look igit high I ate her for a few hours and we talked she tried to make it seem she could doit it but she didnt wana hide it but also doesn't want me togethigjevery time cuz shit longest I get hught was that one day of the week and be fucked u po four fib3 days never understood how she could just lY downto to sleepid later there all night but slowthang unraveled them come down suck she never had to come down I get mad j could've high and dodnt want hett9 unless could she the smart one burqas the boss as wellwich didnt workout come October she moved out and and check this out she moves into the top of our aa house and was geting higher weeks up there left me with the kids the first mou th but eventually tool them to her friends mahesh me sigh a paperboy I let her walk at first cuz I didnt want to get high and lose our kids agian but she moves out takes the kids would get me high just a lil whenahe wanted that head and that wasent gona worksheet kept coming g overwhen 9d now at work and stidfprobluns we'd argue gave pushed fight ti Jerome shed give I pl idfoght Tobey her toco.e back e gently she stole money and that what got me puseexansvlBpashe completely our I'm still on the fen d shes full f Linn aged daily user Ilurnded the cops ant help bone so ogre I. The meeting tri and ger hetbusrmd pyramid kickedoyeso shed come honwbuxh of drama and hwrcomdcledu PM alils cps she ran the first Tim's and gly away d Downing flordaywello beffedhertols me go bla blabla welcome w.d we ubut ye well I just been told it best I take this down I just read thes last few kind well no I didnt cuz I cant understand it fuck

/r/meth Thread